Stefania is a small business owner like me; I first met her a few years ago while shopping at her store, Stefania’s Boutique in Cranston, for an evening gown to wear to a wedding. Aside from finding the perfect dress, I found I really got along with Stefania and have kept in touch ever since!
Fast forward to this spring when she messaged on Instagram to inquire about family portraits. Without revealing too much here, she shared she was having “a big surgery" soon and wanted to get nice family photos while she still felt like herself, since there would be a long road to recovery. This is not the first time we have heard a request like this; we have done boudoir and portrait sessions for people going through major life changes and operations before. It was an honor Stefania chose us for this important family portrait session, and we began planning right away.

We chose a weekend which just so happened to boast the first warm weather of the season, and it seemed like everyone in Rhode Island headed down to Narragansett Town Beach to bask in the sun. While great for the state, the crowd complicated our photo shoot because we originally planned to take their pictures right there on the beach. In addition to tons of people, it was high tide and there was a lot of seaweed on the rocks, further setting us back - but none of that stopped us from getting photos that day! With some quick thinking, we selected a new location nearby that didn't require moving the car and kept us along the coast and on the water. Stefania and her family were super appreciative and loved the new spot because she still got the ocean in the background that she wanted - winning!
In the end it was a beautiful photo shoot for this family of five. We captured several photos they chose to cherish and keep for years to come. Now while Stefania is recovering, she will have them to look at and remind her of this wonderful day!

Want to hear more about Stefania’s experience? Read on…
Q: What was your favorite part about working with me?
A: How relaxed and fun you made it!
Q: Did I help solve any unexpected problems that may have come up during planning your session? If so, what?
A: You made the wind and people that were not planned work by finding a new spot that worked for our family
Q: What tips could you offer another family about the importance of hiring a professional photographer vs say, a friend with a camera?
A: Things that photoshop can’t do and that a true photographer can see through a lens. They see a story, not just people.
Q: Since you ordered products through my studio, can you let me know what you liked about the ordering process / actual product?
A: I loved how simple the ordering process was.
Q: Did you see a difference in quality from ordering through a studio vs on your own?
A: Yes – Quality!

Interested in having an updated family portrait taken? Send us a message to get the ball rolling!