Fresh 48 Photo Session with Baby Q
You may recognize Shannon and Max from their incredible maternity shoot on Seapowet Marsh in Tiverton, Rhode Island a few weeks ago. We knew Shannon was getting close and kept an eye on the phone for a message letting us know she was going into labor. Finally, on October 24th, beautiful baby Q came into this world. We were SO excited because we photographed Max and Shannon’s wedding, and it is always a little extra special to watch our couples grow into families!

Since Fresh 48 photo sessions take place within the first forty eight hours of the child’s birth, I cleared my schedule and went down to the hospital to photograph baby Q as soon as possible. These sessions are all about documenting those first tiny tender moments between mother, father, and (in this case) daughter, so timing is everything. As a bonus, we were there when Q’s grandparents arrived and met her for the very first time. Moments like this can never be replicated, so capturing them on film is priceless! Seriously, how precious are those tiny little feet!?!

By nature, Fresh 48 photo sessions do not usually involve a lot of prep or fancy outfits, but Shannon is a planner and a lover of Pinterest - so she had other ideas! She brought a brand new floral robe with matching headband and swaddling cloth for baby Quinn to wear during their session. We absolutely ADORED it! Q was photogenic as ever while we photographed her with her parents and grandparents. It truly is an honor to sit in and document three generations of family getting to know one another for the very first time.

Interested in learning more about our Fresh 48 photo sessions? Check out our recent blog post about it here.

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