colt state park wedding party photos

We first met Rachel at the Southern New England Bridal Expo back in January. Rachel and her fiancé, Filipe, were looking for a photographer to capture some creative, formal and candid photos throughout their wedding day. And they got exactly what they wanted.

bride and groom getting ready photos

After their wedding ceremony at St. Elizabeth's Church we decided to head over toColt State Park for their formal photos. We took most of their family and wedding party photos there before heading to Warwick for their reception. The bright colors from the flowers, parasols and the bridesmaids gowns popped against the greenery of the park.

wedding ceremony at St Elizabeth Church RI
bride and groom at colt state park in Bristol, RI
bride and groom at colt state park in Bristol, RI

A formal sit down dinner reception followed at the Crowne Plaza in Warwick, RI.

Crowne Plaza ballroom wedding in Warwick, RI


Venue: Crowne Plaza Hotel
Photographer: Nicole Gesmondi Photographer, LLC
Videographer: Daylight Films
Florist: Milestones Flower Shop
Entertainment: Sound Xplosion
Church: St. Elizabeth Church

Browse our website to learn more about our wedding photography services.